unanet.properties file

This page contains a listing of the available unanet.properties that can be configured in your system.  

Note that most of these values can be managed via the Admin >> Properties screen in your system and that any entries defined in the unanet.properties file will override the value set via that screen in the user interface (for that specific front end web server).

This page presents an alphabetical listing of available properties with links to the descriptions of each property (as they appear on the Admin >> Properties screen).

If your installation includes the use of multiple front end web servers, you may want to have different values for the same property on each front end.  Using the ascii unanet.properties file can allow you to accommodate that need (where as those properties defined via the Admin >> Properties screen will be shared by all front end servers -- unless overridden by entries in the unanet.properties file on a particular front end.

This file can be viewed/edited with any standard text editor.   All property files are located in your config directory.

WARNING - All changes to the unanet.properties file should take place in the file located in your config directory.  DO NOT attempt to modify the copy of the unanet.properties file packaged within the unanet.war file (this can result in unpredictable system behavior).  

Topics covered on this help page include:


You may also be interested in:


Property Setting Syntax


When defining your parameters, enter the parameter name (exactly as spelled --- cutting and pasting from this page is recommended), followed by the equals symbol ("="), and your overriding value with no spaces between the property and the equal sign -- or the equal sign and the beginning of the property value.   

Also, the parameter names and values are case sensitive unless otherwise noted.

For example, if setting the email option to true, you would enter:  


Do not enter as:  

unatime.email = true <==== incorrect
unatime.email= TRUE  <==== incorrect
unatime.email =True  <==== incorrect

List of Available unanet.properties

The table below contain a listing of all published unanet.properties values.  You can click on a particular property and view additional information about that property, including; descriptions, default values, related properties, as well as the name / location of that property as it appears on the Admin >> Properties screen.



  1. mail.auth
  2. mail.debug
  3. mail.host
  4. mail.password
  5. mail.user
  6. unanet.approve.force_view
  7. unanet.approve.self
  8. unanet.assign_search.enabled
  9. unanet.assign_search.result_limit
  10. unanet.attachment.invalid_file_extensions
  11. unanet.attachment.max_size
  12. unanet.attachment.valid_file_extensions
  13. unanet.authentication
  14. unanet.cookie.nonce
  15. unanet.cookie.secure
  16. unanet.default_dates_to_linked.assignments
  17. unanet.default_dates_to_linked.plans
  18. unanet.disable.minification
  19. unanet.extract.require_org
  20. unanet.fiscal_calendar.enabled
  21. unanet.gzip
  22. unanet.image.invalid_file_extensions
  23. unanet.image.max_size
  24. unanet.image.valid_file_extensions
  25. unanet.invoice.hide.bill_to.org_name
  26. unanet.invoice.hide.remit_to.org_name
  27. unanet.invoice.hide.ship_to.org_name
  28. unanet.jaas.application
  29. unanet.license_check.warning_interval
  30. unanet.locale
  31. unanet.log.level
  32. unanet.log.output
  33. unanet.login_attempts_before_locked
  34. unanet.logo.alt
  35. unanet.logo.src
  36. unanet.logo.url
  37. unanet.logout.redirect
  38. unanet.non_cost_mgr.allow_cost_reporting
  39. unanet.non_cost_mgr.allow_project_cost_reporting
  40. unanet.non_cost_mgr.allow_project_margin_reporting
  41. unanet.org_access.HRAdministrator.people.default_to_all
  42. unanet.org_access.billingManager.project.default_to_all
  43. unanet.org_access.billingViewer.project.default_to_all
  44. unanet.org_access.manager.people.default_to_all
  45. unanet.org_access.projectManager.project.default_to_all
  46. unanet.org_access.projectViewer.project.default_to_all
  47. unanet.org_access.resourceAssigner.people.default_to_all
  48. unanet.org_access.resourceAssigner.project.default_to_all
  49. unanet.org_access.resourcePlanner.people.default_to_all
  50. unanet.org_access.resourcePlanner.project.default_to_all
  51. unanet.org_access.resourceRequestor.project.default_to_all
  52. unanet.org_access.viewer.people.default_to_all
  53. unanet.password.character.lowercase
  54. unanet.password.character.number
  55. unanet.password.character.special
  56. unanet.password.character.uppercase
  57. unanet.password.expire
  58. unanet.password.expire.warn
  59. unanet.password.minimum.character.lowercase
  60. unanet.password.minimum.character.number
  61. unanet.password.minimum.character.special
  62. unanet.password.minimum.character.uppercase
  63. unanet.password.minimum.length
  64. unanet.person.import.update_password.default
  65. unanet.prevent.administrative.login
  66. unanet.prevent.nonemployee.be.alternate
  67. unanet.prevent.nonmanager.be.alternate
  68. unanet.project_search.require_project_code
  69. unanet.properties.show_transfer_button
  70. unanet.restrict_alternates_by_role
  71. unanet.restricted_access
  72. unanet.scheduler.disabled
  73. unanet.show_emp_type_employees
  74. unanet.show_existing_plans_assignments
  75. unanet.splash.alt
  76. unanet.splash.src
  77. unanet.splash.target
  78. unanet.splash.url
  79. unanet.task.sort.order.by_sequence
  80. unanet.task_list.search_enable.limit
  81. unanet.tempFileReaper.max_temp_chart_age
  82. unanet.tempFileReaper.max_temp_file_age
  83. unanet.tempFileReaper.max_temp_import_file_age
  84. unanet.tempFileReaper.sleep_time
  85. unanet.temp_directory
  86. unanet.volume_search.filter_limit
  87. unasource.allow_bill_rate_edit
  88. unasource.allow_cost_rate_edit
  89. unatime.email
  90. unatime.email.default_from_address
  91. unatime.tasks.show_numbers


  1. timesheet.edit.footer.exempt
  2. timesheet.edit.footer.nonemployee
  3. timesheet.edit.footer.nonexempt
  4. timesheet.printview.footer.exempt
  5. timesheet.printview.footer.nonemployee
  6. timesheet.printview.footer.nonexempt
  7. timesheet.submit.confirm.exempt
  8. timesheet.submit.confirm.nonemployee
  9. timesheet.submit.confirm.nonexempt
  10. unatime.admin.edit
  11. unatime.admin_bulk_approve.enable
  12. unatime.administrator.review.required
  13. unatime.allow_custom_time_periods
  14. unatime.allow_timesheet_delete
  15. unatime.approval.required
  16. unatime.audit
  17. unatime.audit.allow_other_change_reason
  18. unatime.autolock
  19. unatime.bulk_approvals.review.required
  20. unatime.cost.dilution.class
  21. unatime.cost.dilution.use_plan_rates
  22. unatime.customer.review.required
  23. unatime.daily_actuals.num_time_periods
  24. unatime.default.work.hours
  25. unatime.dilution_hours_from_business_week
  26. unatime.end_user_adjustment.enable
  27. unatime.etc_collection.enabled
  28. unatime.holiday.hours_from_business_week
  29. unatime.leave_request.autolock
  30. unatime.leave_request.enabled
  31. unatime.manager.edit
  32. unatime.manager.review.required
  33. unatime.payroll_info.enable
  34. unatime.pm.review.required
  35. unatime.pm_approval.view_all
  36. unatime.prevent_post_on_weekly_overlap
  37. unatime.preview.expand./people/time/view
  38. unatime.preview.expand./people/time/view/adjust
  39. unatime.preview.expand./people/time/view/approve
  40. unatime.preview.expand./people/time/view/review
  41. unatime.preview.expand./projects/time/view/approve
  42. unatime.preview.expand./projects/time/view/review
  43. unatime.preview.expand./reports/people/status/time/report
  44. unatime.preview.expand./time/signature
  45. unatime.preview.expand./time/view
  46. unatime.preview.expand./time/view/review
  47. unatime.preview.logo.alt
  48. unatime.preview.logo.src
  49. unatime.preview.logo.url
  50. unatime.project_popup.display_tasks
  51. unatime.quick_reports.leave_balance.accrued_budgets
  52. unatime.save.stored_procedure
  53. unatime.save.stored_procedure.include_saver
  54. unatime.submit.stored_procedure
  55. unatime.submit.stored_procedure.include_submitter
  56. unatime.time_period_criteria.sort_by_type
  57. unatime.timesheet.classification.display
  58. unatime.timesheet.hide.comments
  59. unatime.timesheet.hide.labor_category
  60. unatime.timesheet.hide.location
  61. unatime.timesheet.hide.pay_code
  62. unatime.timesheet.hide.project_type
  63. unatime.timesheet.hide.task
  64. unatime.timesheet.org.display
  65. unatime.timesheet.project.title.display
  66. unatime.timesheet.project.title.hover
  67. unatime.ts_status_rpt.exempt_users.hours_from_dilution
  68. unatime.use_server_clock
  69. unatime.user.review.required
  70. unatime.weekly_overlap.rate_align


  1. unasense.approval.authority.report
  2. unasense.approval.authority.request
  3. unasense.approval.authority.request.skip_zero_approver
  4. unasense.approval.required
  5. unasense.autolock
  6. unasense.company.currency
  7. unasense.corpcard.reimburse
  8. unasense.creditcards.allow_imported_item_delete.admin
  9. unasense.creditcards.allow_imported_item_delete.user
  10. unasense.creditcards.enable
  11. unasense.creditcards.import.purge_days
  12. unasense.customer.review.required
  13. unasense.customer.view_approval_history
  14. unasense.customer.view_attachments
  15. unasense.email.required
  16. unasense.enable_copy
  17. unasense.expense.admin.edit
  18. unasense.expense.manager.edit
  19. unasense.expense.org.display
  20. unasense.hide.project_type
  21. unasense.location.required
  22. unasense.lodging_allowable.include_tax_overage
  23. unasense.manager.review.required
  24. unasense.meal.cap
  25. unasense.meal.expense_types
  26. unasense.nonemployee.show_company_paid
  27. unasense.per_diem.mie.breakdown.breakfast.percent
  28. unasense.per_diem.mie.breakdown.dinner.percent
  29. unasense.per_diem.mie.breakdown.lunch.percent
  30. unasense.per_diem.mie.first_day.proration.percent
  31. unasense.per_diem.mie.last_day.proration.percent
  32. unasense.per_diem.special_situation.enabled
  33. unasense.per_diem.special_situation.factor
  34. unasense.pm.review.required
  35. unasense.preview.expand./expense/allocate
  36. unasense.preview.expand./expense/allocate/review
  37. unasense.preview.expand./expense/request/view
  38. unasense.preview.expand./expense/view
  39. unasense.preview.expand./expense/view/attach
  40. unasense.preview.expand./expense/view/review
  41. unasense.preview.expand./people/expense/allocate
  42. unasense.preview.expand./people/expense/allocate_info
  43. unasense.preview.expand./people/expense/request/view
  44. unasense.preview.expand./people/expense/view
  45. unasense.preview.expand./people/expense/view/approve
  46. unasense.preview.expand./people/expense/view/review
  47. unasense.preview.expand./projects/expense/view/approve
  48. unasense.preview.expand./projects/expense/view/review
  49. unasense.preview.expand./reports/people/status/expense/report
  50. unasense.project.title.display
  51. unasense.purpose.required
  52. unasense.save.stored_procedure
  53. unasense.save.stored_procedure.include_saver
  54. unasense.single.project.expense.limit
  55. unasense.submit.stored_procedure
  56. unasense.submit.stored_procedure.include_submitter
  57. unasense.threshold.exceeded.need_comments
  58. unasense.user.review.required
  59. unasense.vat.enabled
  60. unasense.wizard.message


  1. unanet.plan_set_list.search_enable.limit
  2. unanet.plan_sets.enabled
  3. unasource.overbooking.blockout.allowed
  4. unasource.user.plan.show_labor_category


Example unanet.properties file

Should you decide to maintain the unanet.properties within the ascii text file, you'll be editing a file that resembles the sample below.   A sample unanet.properties file is included in your config directory by default with a number of common entries commented out.  


# Note: Any line beginning with a pound sign (#) is treated as a comment.

#       Changes will not take effect until you restart your servlet engine.


# There are two methods of configuring the various features in Unanet:


#  1) Configure the properties directly in the user interface by going

#     to the Admin->Properties menu item (for administrators only). These

#     values are stored in your Unanet database and are used by any front

#     end that is not overriding them.  Any changes made through the user

#     interface take effect immediately (no servlet restart necessary).


#  2) Use this file to specify the property values using their property

#     ID. Any change made in this file will NOT take effect until the

#     Unanet servlet (JRun or Tomcat) is restarted.  The values specified

#     in this file will ALWAYS override the user interface settings.

#     There are two reasons this may be useful or even necessary:


#       A) You may need to ensure that no one can change certain critical

#          features through the user interface.  By placing them in this

#          file, you guarantee that they cannot be changed through the

#          user interface.


#       B) You may have multiple front-end servers pointing to your Unanet

#          database.  It is sometimes necessary to specify different

#          settings for each front end.  For example, perhaps the file

#          structure is different on each front end and you need to

#          specify different log files or temp directories.


#      When you do use this file to override property settings, the property

#      will appear grayed out in the user interface page.


# See the Unanet documentation for more information on how to customize your

# Unanet system and for a complete list of properties.



# E-mail Information

# To enable email, set unatime.email to true and set the mail.host to your

# SMTP server.  You may also want to set unatime.email.default_from_address

# to something meaningful to your system -- it is used when the sender email

# cannot be determined.



#mail.host=(SMTP Server Name Goes Here)



# Temp Directory Setting

# You should make sure you uncomment and set this directory property.  We

# recommend setting it to the "temp" directory under your main unanet folder.




# You should also specify a log file that will contain all the logging info

# by setting the unanet.log.output property. A full path can be specified to

# anywhere that is writable by the user running the servlet engine, but we

# recommend keeping the log file in the servlet engine's log directory. We

# have provided two examples (one for Tomcat, one for JRun).  Please only

# uncomment one OR the other and make sure you change the path if you have

# installed the servlet engine in another location.


### Example entry for Tomcat

#unanet.log.output=c:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Tomcat 5.5/logs/unanet_runtime.log

### Example entry for JRun



# Unanet logging level

# You can control the level of detail which gets logged by the Unanet system

# by setting the unanet.log.level.  Valid values are OFF, SEVERE, WARNING,

# INFO, CONFIG, FINE, FINER, FINEST or ALL.  The default value if INFO.

# Please see help documentation for more details.




# Splash Screen Image

# If you wish to have your own image on the login page, set unanet.splash.src

# to the image file itself.  You may also set unanet.splash.url so that when

# a user clicks on the image they are taken to that location.  Set

# unanet.splash.alt so that when a user hovers over the splash image, they see

# a message.  The unanet.splash.target can be used to decide whether or not

# the unanet.splash.url opens in a new window (_blank) or the same window. See

# unanet help for more options.


# unanet.splash.src=

# unanet.splash.url=

# unanet.splash.alt=

# unanet.splash.target=_blank


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